ART-B22-D70 Current coil transducer with Rogowski ARTB22D70 series technology

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Sales ExpertMotion Control equipment Section

+98 9371036467

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  • Thin, flexible, and lightweight solution
  • Very low positioning error
  • Quick, non-intrusive and easy setup
  • A single sensor for a large current range without overload
  • Less influenced by external feilds
  • Adaptable for a large range of cable diameters



  • MV/LV substations on LV side : Transformer Condition Monitoring
  • Power metering: current measurement for active power calculation
  • Building sub-metering:
    energy effiency monitoring, consumption analysis and cost allocation
  • Power quality monitoring:
    electrical loads and distribution system equipment
  • Fault Detection, Isolation and Repair (FDIR): isolate the site of the fault
  • Remote Terminal Units (RTU)
  • Phasor Measurement Units (PMU)





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